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This window facilitates the navigation through all the charts of all results against all parameters.


One mode allows to select variables for x- and y-axis. The corresponding chart is moved to the center of the window and marked with a red frame.


To select the other mode click the right mouse button and choose the option "Other Navigation".

This mode shows a grid with coloured points. The grid is a minimized copy of the chart grid with all results (rows) against all parameters (columns). Each point represents a chart. By clicking a point in the navigation window the corresponding chart is displayed in the center of the chart grid surrounded by a red frame. The colours of the points in the navigation window have the follow meaning:


red: chart with the most sensitive parameter for the selected result (r = 1.0)

grün: parameters with high influence on the result (0.7 <= r < 1.0)

blau: parameters with low influence on the result (0.1 <= r < 0.7)

white: parameters with marginal or no influence on the result (r < 0.1)


The sensitivity is determined by calculating the factor r.


The mode with selection of x- and y-axis is shown after a stochastic simulation, the mode with the coloured grid after a sensitivity analysis.