WaterElements - Creating an Advanced Project

(under File/New/Advanced Project)


  • The input for an advanced project uses a table with the following columns: "Element Name", "Type", "Next Element", "Overflow to". This is enough to define the whole network.
  • It's a good idea to create a table of the elements (for example in a spreadsheet) from the schema of the drainage master plan (Entwässerungskonzept) with following columns: "Element Name", "Type", "Next Element", "Overflow to". In contrast to the schema you can join only one element to another element. To join more than one element to an element you must use an Union element. The following table shows an example of a small network with 3 combined sewer overflows RA1, RA2 and RA3 and an overflow tank RB. On the right side you see the automatic visualization of the network in WaterElements.
Element Name Type Next Element Overflow to
EZ1 CatchmentRunoff RA1
EZ2 CatchmentRunoff RA2
EZ3 CatchmentRunoff RA3
RA1 Overflow V1 Entl RA1
RA2 Overflow V1 Entl RA2
RA3 Overflow V1 Entl RA3
Entl RA1 Balance
Entl RA2 Balance
Entl RA3 Balance
V1 Union RB
RB Overflow Entl RB
Entl RB Balance
Output EZ1 EZ1 RA1 RA1 EZ1->RA1 EZ2 EZ2 RA2 RA2 EZ2->RA2 EZ3 EZ3 RA3 RA3 EZ3->RA3 Entl RA1 Entl RA1 RA1->Entl RA1 V1 V1 RA1->V1 Entl RA2 Entl RA2 RA2->Entl RA2 RA2->V1 Entl RA3 Entl RA3 RA3->Entl RA3 RA3->V1 RB RB V1->RB Entl RB Entl RB RB->Entl RB


Using an empty project and copying the network table

Since version it is possible to directly copy the table into an empty project to create the commands:

  • Create an empty project by choosing "File/New/Empty Project" and save the project under an appropriate name (not in the AppData folder).
    Another method is to clear the command editor by selecting all text and press the delete key. Choose "File/Save Data and Results as" to save the new project.
  • Select the table (including the header row) in the spreadsheet and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl C)
  • Right-click into the command editor and select "Import Network Table from Clipboard"
  • Now you should see the commands in the command editor
  • Click "Refresh" in the main menu to see the automatic layout of the network

Copying the whole network table into the advanced project wizard

  • Choose "File/New/Advanced Project" to create an advanced project. Save the project under an appropriate name (not in the AppData folder).
  • Select the table (including the header row) in the spreadsheet and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl C)
  • Put the cursor into the top left cell of the table in the Advanced Project wizard and paste the table from the clipboard by Ctrl V
  • Click on the "OK" button to finish the wizard. This automatically creates all commands in the command editor to define the network.
  • Click "Refresh" in the main menu to see the automatic layout of the network

Manual creation by choosing "File/New/Advanced Project"

  • This option shows how you can manually input the network table. This was the first implemented option but is no longer recommended.
  • Now you can start to fill the table - in a first step only the first two columns "Element Name" and "Type". If you choose an overflow element you will be asked if a balance element should be added to the overflow branch. If you want that the statistics for the overflow is shown in the table "Overflows" you should add a balance and answer with "Yes". A balance with name "Entl " + overflow name will be added automatically to the list (additionally with the right type).
  • If you have added all elements you can start to define the next elements by choosing the right element in the list that appears if you click into "Next Element". The column "Overflow to" should be already filled correctly if you let add the balance elements for the overflows.
  • If you entered all next elements you are finished and can click on the "OK" button. This automatically creates all commands to define the network (incl. a RainfallFromFile element and all connections of this element to the catchment elements) 


  • Now you have to enter the parameter values. You can do that in different ways:
    • Writing the values directly into the commands in the editor window
    • Double-click on a command with parameters to open the element editor (a small window with a list of the parameters) => input or change the parameter values => close the element editor => the parameter values are automatically updated in the command
    • Change to the "Network" tab => click "Create Network" => manuallly adjust the layout of the network (see "Help") => double-click on an element to open the element editor (a small window with a list of the parameters) => input or change the parameter values => close the element editor => the parameter values are automatically updated in the command
  • Be sure that you entered a valid rainfall data file in the command RainfallFromFile

Running a simulation

  • Now click "Execute Commands" to check if all commands are valid and the definition of the network is consistent. If there are some errors click "Find Error" to see the corresponding error message. Fix the error and click "Execute Commands" again until there are no error messages.
  • Click "Run" to run the simulation
  • See the results in the "Overflows" table or in the "Results" tab