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NH3 Dose:

Parameter A and B for the calculation of the critical ammonia dose can be entered here.

TSS Immission Thresholds:

Thresholds for accumulation of particulate matter on the receiving water bed can be set here (three thresholds for colmation, toxicity and oxygen depletion).

STORM Thresholds:

Following thresholds recommended by STORM can be changed here:


number of bedload events caused by overflows from urban drainage per year (Default: 10)

number of critical NH3 events per year (Default: 0.2)

number of events with critical turbidity caused by TSS per year (Default: 1)

percentage of time where the critical density of accumulated TSS for colmation is exceeded [% of total time] (Default: 20)

percentage of time where the critical density of accumulated TSS for toxicity is exceeded [% der Gesamtzeit] (Default: 5)

percentage of time where the critical density of accumulated organic TSS (causing oxygen depletion) is exceeded  [% der Gesamtzeit] (Default: 10)


Parameters for the stochastic simulation can be set here.

Sensitivity Analysis:

Number of grid points (3,5,7,9 oder 11) for the Sensitivity Analysis can be chosen here.  

Show Parameter Distribution:

This option can be activated (checkmark in front of text) or deactivated (no checkmark). If activated then charts for the distribution of parameters are created after a stochastic simulation and can be displayed by choosing Results / Parameter Distribution.